Foseca Cigars Brand Logo
At EGM Cigars, we made it our mission to present a collection of Cuban cigars for aficionados, that are of the highest-quality, both excellently priced and arguably the finest. Our assortment includes the best-selling Cohiba Cigars and Montecristo, and the awarded Romeo y Julieta and Partagas. Amongst those beloved and classic brands, we additionally have cigar companies’ not as well-known, but still made with pristine quality. With that said, here are some Cuban cigar brands we highly recommend you try.
JOSE L PIEDRA CIGARS – Began in 1880, two brothers named Jose Lamadrid Piedra and Vicente, came together and created this exquisite mild to medium flavoured brand of cigars. Whilst they started with machine-made, they soon began to depend on torcedors and handcrafted artisanship. Tobacco is grown in the rare region of Vuelta Arriba, with factories in Cuba’s Santa Clara.
Top Left: Jose L. Piedra Petit Cazadores Cigar, Top Right: Jose L. Piedra Cazadores Cigar, Bottom Left: Brand logo, Bottom Right: Jose L. Piedra Brevas Cigar
"perfect to offer as a gift"
VALUE AND QUALITY - Cigars are packaged in bundles and at competitive value, making them perfect to offer as a gift, as well as for beginner smokers wanting to take their first step in the world of Cuban cigars. We particularly love the Jose L. Piedra Petit Cetros Cigar, which is made using traditional techniques and with short filler. The Jose L. Piedra Brevas Cigar meanwhile, is delectable to smoke in the morning with coffee, and has a unique Brevas JLP vitola – 133mm by a 42 ring gauge.
QUINTERO CIGARS – Another brand put together by brothers. Despite growing up around 250km away from Havana’s capital, Agustin Quintero and his brothers have crafted a special and competitive range. Tobacco is from the great Vuelta Abajo province, and cigars are totally hand made with short filler. Quintero is one of the only habano company’s to have come from Cuba’s Cienfuegos area.
AROMATIC WITH ARTISAN SKILL - With a medium aroma and affordable price, the cigars are well-worthy of a smoke. The Quintero Brevas Cigar is ideal to light-up at any time of day, and comes in a packaged box with aluminium foil for freshness. Additionally, the Quintero Petit Quintero Cigar comprises an exceptional aroma and a delightful medium body.
Top Left: Fonseca Delicias Cigar, Top Right: Brand logo, Bottom Left: Fonseca KDT Cadetes Cigar, Bottom Right: Fonseca Cosacos Cigar
"as luxurious as they tasted"
FONSECA CIGARS – Don Francisco Fonseca was a man who placed emphasis on appearance and presentation. In 1980 when he launched his cigar brand, Fonseca ensured his cigars looked as luxurious as they tasted. Smooth tissue paper lacquers each cigar for protection. The range of four vitolas are totally handmade with long filler, and provide an aromatic yet light flavour.
APPEALING AND ELEGANT - Constructed beautifully and with an opulent Colorado wrapped, the Fonseca Cosacos Cigar is like a Petit Corona with a fantastic draw and charming combustion. Fonseca Cigars, whilst loved by experienced connoisseurs, are especially perfect for beginner cigar smokers. The light taste and thinner sizes, make for great practice. Our blog post Cigar Smoking: The Ultimate Dos and Don’ts, shares many tips and wisdom for cigar newbies to try.
SAINT LUIS REY CIGARS - During the 1900’s, the Formula One Grand Prix in Cuba featured famous drivers such as Juan Manuel Fangio, smoking the brand’s cigars. This put the company on the habano map, and today the cigars have a loyal and international following. Though not quite as renowned as some of the best-selling, perhaps due to only being found in particular countries, the brand is nevertheless constructed immaculately.
Top Left: Saint Luis Rey Regios Cigar, Top Right: Quintero Petit Quintero Cigar, Bottom Left: Quintero Brevas Cigar box, Bottom Right: Quintero Nacionales Cigar
"fancy and marvellous to admire"
GRAND AND SWEET - Comprising a full bodied strength, as well as being totally hand rolled, the Saint Luis Rey Regios Cigar is one not to be missed. Lavish tanned wrappers with stunning gold and red bands. The wooden box packaging is fancy and marvellous to admire. As a gift, a box of the cigars is an elegant and splendid present for all Cuban cigar enthusiasts. Measuring 127mm by a ring gauge of 48, the cigar offers approximately one-hour worth of smoke, and is a true enjoyment. Perfect after a meal with flavours of wood and honey.
Years of collecting, expertise and gained knowledge, have gone in to selecting our recommended cigar brands. The names here, may not have the established Cohiba logo or famed Partagas Factory, nonetheless, they equally produce fine quality Cuban Cigars online. For more information on cigar choices, why not read Cohiba Cigars for Beginners, and Cuban Cigar Sizes: A Large Ring Gauge or Small?