It is often the case that Cuban cigars will remain on display in a collection for some time before smoking. This is especially true if those cigars are from a range with particular collectability or rarity, like Reservas or Regional Editions. Cigars such as these should be packaged and presented in such a way that will catch the eye of visitors to that collection – if they are to be on display for a while, they deserve something a little more elaborate than the usual plain cedar used to house regular releases. Many different methods have been employed by Habanos to do just that; surely one of the most attractive is the series of glass and ceramic jars, such as the one used for the H Upmann Noellas LCDH Edition.
The H Upmann Noellas is a fairly slender corona-sized cigar, measuring 42 ring gauge by 5 3/8 inches. It will smoke for around 30-40 minutes; the stylish, 80s-throwback packaging will keep it fresh in your humidor far longer. Unlike many LCDH Edition cigars, this one was produced in limited numbers – only 5,000 jars, with 25 cigars each, were produced.
Construction: 8/10
- Some slight grain to the wrapper, and a couple of prominent veins, but nothing too disturbing. A generally attractive cigar.
Draw: 9/10
- Initially a little stingy, but opened up in the first few puffs before being flawless for the remainder.
Combustion: 9/10
- The burn line wobbled a bit to begin with, but also corrected itself in short order and with o assistance from me.
Ash: 4/5
- Dark grey, and not too compact, but not flaky either.
Smoke: 4/5
- Once the issues at the very outset had been overcome, the smoke was plentiful for the majority of this cigar.
Flavour: 23/25
- This cigar lacks a little in size, but not in taste. Plenty of delicious notes from beginning to end – if anything, I could have done with it lasting longer.
Overall: 31/35
- This cigar is designed to be a special treat, by virtue of its limited numbers, and while it only offers a short time to smoke it, that time is very pleasant. Warm, creamy mouthfeel and rich aromas throughout made it a joy to smoke, while the jar it comes in will be able to decorate your collection long after the cigars themselves have been consigned to memory. One of the highlights of the LCDH range.
Final Score: 88/100
- I have long been a fan of the LCDH range as a way to enjoy an extra-special cigar without paying too extra-special a premium. My experience has taught me that the second, burgundy, band is a sign of sure quality – this H Upmann Noellas did nothing to dispel that thought. Upon lighting, and throughout the first third, the body was already a solid medium; creamy and warm, and packed with flavour. Butter, caramel and shortbread notes danced across the palette. The body continued through the middle third, as did the buttery flavour, only this time it was joined by more grassy and floral aromas. The final third approached soon after, and was a much richer moment: caramel returned, but a more intense version, and was paired with rich-roast coffee and the scent of warm leather. A wonderful afternoon smoke.