In his latest article, Rikesh Chauhan waxes lyrical about the breadth, quality and importance of Robusto cigars, and why they’re the perfect cigar for the new generation of aficionados.
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
When it comes to cigar brands, there aren't too many out there as consistent—and as consistently good—as Hoyo de Monterrey. Rikesh Chauhan expresses his appreciation for their range and recommends...
Whilst there are some holy grails in which a 4-figure amount is a necessary amount to part with, there are other cigars that are significantly less expensive and yet, just...
For five generations, the Plasencia family have been producing some of the finest cigars in the world. Nick Hendry discovers their legacy.
With an ambitious aim to complete the London cartographic compass, Mike Hughes highlights his favourite pubs in which to enjoy a quality Cuban cigar.
To celebrate the launch of the updated classic Davidoff Signature No.1, EGM Cigars were invited down to The Sanctum Hotel in Soho to sample and learn about how the process requires 300...