At this year's Encuentro Amigos de Partagas Festival we sat down with the Habanosommelier World Champion of 2017, Felipe Rojas Bruna. As his title commends, Felipe is an expert in...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
'Cuban Cigars are the only cigars in the world' Paul de Sury is a Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, the author of various publications including the handbook...
Cigar Vixen, otherwise known as Delicia Silva, is a sensation in the cigar world who has rated some of the best cigars for sale. Since starting her multi-hyphen career as a...
HERficionado is a major player in the Instagram game. With over 13,000 followers, she has become a huge influence for female aficionados online. You just have to take a look...
In this cigar blog post we celebrate 50 years of Davidoff Cigars and remember how it all began in 1968, in a small tobacco store which sold Cuban cigars in...
This week we asked the charming and enigmatic John DeCosta some interesting questions about his business, Cigar Sanctum, his view on Cuban cigars, Cuban cigar history and what it takes to throw...