Cigar Humidors are essential for any cigar aficionado. If you want your Cuban Cigars to stay fresh, then it is imperative you purchase a satisfactory storage solution that ensures that it provides the right conditions...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
FREEDOM. LIBERATION. EQUALITY. It comes as no surprise that smoking Cuban cigars have long been associated with men. With famous male figures such as Fidel Castro and Winston Churchill, it's no wonder...
REVISITED 06/03/20 We at EGM take pride in the way we store and smoke our cigars. We feel that when so much time, thought and effort has gone into creating...
Out of all the countries in the world, Cuba is truly one of the most perfect places to grow tobacco. The West of Cuba, where the acclaimed Pinar del Rio is located, is a...
REVISITED 02/03/2020 EDUCATIONAL. INFLUENTIAL. CUBA'S CLASSIC TRADITION Cigar smokers who Cuban cigars, understand the backbreaking work involved to produce their hand-crafted pieces. Tobacco farmers, torecedores; the level of care...
STATESMAN. AUTHOR. SOLDIER Politician, army officer and writer – Winston Churchill is undoubtedly, one of the most iconic cigar-smoking statesmen in the world. It would be an understatement to say...