It’s a true tragedy when you spot an injured solider tucked away in your cigar humidor. We feel for any aficionado who goes through the heart-break of noticing a crack or split in...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
As Cuban cigar lovers, many of us tend to smoke a stick of tobacco every day - but of course - unless you have the budget, burning a Cohiba cigar every day just...
Nothing is better than sinking in to a soft, leather couch with a Cuban cigar in one hand and a glass of the finest single malt whiskey on the other....
Just imagine, sitting down, lighting up a good Cuban Cigar and lifting to puff. You are enjoying the smoke, but all of a sudden, you start feeling lightheaded and sick. So...
The famous Zino Davidoff said - "A cigar symbolizes rest, relaxation and leisure" - and we couldn't agree more! Just the simple ritual of sitting yourself down, relaxing and smoking a Cuban...
As you aficionados know, storing your cigars is extremely important to keep them fresh and long-lasting. Without good storage, your cigars may suffer from cracks, over-humidification, and drying out. If you...