We're excited to share some fantastic news with our cigar-loving community. Our EGM Cigars have recently received outstanding recognition from one of the industry's most respected publications, Cigar Journal. In...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
The most popular cigar from our debut collection, we are delighted to announce the EGM Encantos are now available as a Cabinet of 50.
Take a closer look at the "Alexander Kraft Selection" cigar, first collaboration between internationally-renowned entrepreneur Alexander Kraft and EGM Cigars.
From today, we at EGM are delighted to announce free postal shipping on all orders — no minimum spend, no location restrictions.
A 3-day gala will be held in Havana this week as a belated celebration of the 55th anniversary of Cohiba. Nick Hendry takes a look at what will be up for...
Jose L Piedra are a relatively under-the-radar brand, but a new cigar band for them has been released. Is this announcement more significant than meets the eye?