Since its conception, the cigar has been a sign of celebration with the two going hand in hand. Dating back to as early as the 1500s, the ritual of smoking tobacco to celebrate was very much a part of the Native American traditions. The tribes would smoke tobacco rolled and wrapped in various natural materials, such as palm and husks of horn, at ceremonious and momentous events. This tradition, though changed over time through new technologies and innovative ideas, still holds the same triumphant value.
It has been and will continually be used to celebrate the birth of new-borns, the engagement of young lovers, the birthdays of older generations, as well as successes at work. It seems that at every occasion there is the perfect opportunity to celebrate with a cigar.
We at EGM Cigars believe that every day is an occasion to smoke our beloved Cuban Cigars, nevertheless we’ve compiled a small list of our personal favourites just for you.
Weddings, in our opinion, are the most opportune occasion to celebrate with a cigar. Possibly one of the most special events in anyone’s life, it is an event that brings people together to congratulate the union of two people in love. At such a luxurious and lavish event, there really is nothing better than enjoying the rich and exquisite taste of one of our hand crafted cigars.
Here are a few we believe to be the best for such a grand and glorious occasion:
- Montecristo 80 Anniversario
- Romeo y Julieta Romeo de Luxe Cigar (Edicion Limitada 2013)
- Bolivar Belicosos Finos Cigar
A birthday is another example of the prime time to get out your favourite cigar and celebrate a loved one, or better yet celebrate yourself! Birthdays are a day of luxury, one for having your cake and definitely eating it. So, it’s the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to one of our Limited Editions, or better still if you’re feeling super indulgent, one of our Private Reserve.
Bachelor/Bachellorette Party
Your friend is just about to enter a union with a person for the rest of their lives, for better or worse, make it for the better with the gift of our finest box of cigars. Ideal to begin the night by lighting up a cigar for a pre-party toast, and an excellent night cap for when the festivities wind down.
A few of our favourites are:
Poker Night
An obvious occasion, but one bursting with opportunity to light up one of our fantastic, hand rolled cigars is Poker Night. Make sure to win with both hands, playing a royal flush with one and holding a cigar in the other!
Here are a few we think are perfect for such a night:
Work Successes
Whether you’ve been promoted, got a new job or finally signed that business deal you’ve been working on for ages, a celebratory cigar is ideal for those bigger achievements at work. We also stock cigar lighters and accessories, ideal for gifting to those that deserve acknowledgement for such successes.
- Trinidad Vigia Cigar
- Le Grand S.T. Dupont Lighter- in Black
- Cigar Case Cohiba 50
So there you have it, still to this day, cigars are smoked to mark a moment, to celebrate a conquest and simply praise a special someone. Here at EGM Cigars, we have every cigar to suit every occasion, even the everyday.