Among the large community of thick cigar-lovers, there are a handful of you aficionados that prefer to smoke something slim. Despite the popularity of thicker Cuban cigars, such as the...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Casinos can offer a wonderful location to smoke cigars and be entertained. They may seem intimidating your first time out - luckily, Nick Hendry knows his way around them and...
Quai d'Orsay cigars have been around since 1973 and were created to pair with fine champagne. Nick Hendry rediscovers the largest in the range: the Quai d'Orsay No 54.
Le Magritte Bar & Terrace at The Beaumont is one of London's newest cigar terraces. Nick Hendry went along to check it out.
There’s just something different about the air in Havana. It's exactly why we collaborated with a new creative team to bring Havana as close to you as possible this summer.
The celebrations of the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II ascending the throne are almost upon us. Nick Hendry rounds up a few in London you may have missed.