by Nick Hendry. Some Cuban Cigars are made in a size and shape that is popular across all marcas and all smokers. All aficionados will be familiar with the slim...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
by Nick Hendry Over the history of Cuban Cigars the tastes of smokers have dictated what comes out of the factories of Havana. In the last few years more and...
Article by Richard Duckworth - Photography by Julia Duckworth “Claret is the liquor for boys; port for men; but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy.” Samuel Johnson Any...
There is no doubt that Cuban Cigar Website is, and has been for many years now, the reference point for most cigar aficionados around the globe. Never has a website been more...
By Nick Hendry. Most, if not all, of us who enjoy Cuban Cigars will at one point or another been asked to explain what it is they find so endearing...
Every year devotees of Cuban Cigars around the world keenly seek out rare and collectable cigars for Habanos SA’s successful Edición Regional programme. Since 2005 distributors around the world have...