Just imagine, sitting down, lighting up a good Cuban Cigar and lifting to puff. You are enjoying the smoke, but all of a sudden, you start feeling lightheaded and sick. So...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
The famous Zino Davidoff said - "A cigar symbolizes rest, relaxation and leisure" - and we couldn't agree more! Just the simple ritual of sitting yourself down, relaxing and smoking a Cuban...
What's better than taking your first puff on a new Cuban cigar and instantly falling in love? We know that picking-out a cigar for the first time is a risky and overwhelming...
As cigar-lovers, we can't help bringing our beloved tobacco wherever we go. Whether it is going on a business trip, a holiday retreat or simply visiting a friend’s home -...
Recently we explored the Flavours and Notes in Tasting Cigars – the most common categories being: nutty, earthy and spices. But there are many more flavours that can be found in a...
Aficionados, we’re sure you hear the terms light, medium and full, time and time again when choosing your next Cuban cigar. They’re used to describe the strength and the flavour of...