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The Diademas Finas, previously not part of the Grand Cru range, boasts filler tobacco aged in a red wine barrel. This masterpiece's blend and "figurado" format perfectly capture the rich flavor of an excellent red wine.
This cigar appeals to both cigar enthusiasts and wine connoisseurs. In 1946, Zino Davidoff envisioned a line of cigars that would pay homage to the world of wine. Just as a red wine blend combines three different grapes, these cigars feature a blend of three different fillers, drawing inspiration from the relationship between wine and tobacco.
Its filler tobacco has been aged in a Premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask, incorporating the fruity character of a well-aged red wine into its prominent aromas. This combination creates an exquisite experience, like swirling wine in a glass.
Limited to 15.500 boxes worldwide.
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