Pickup available at Headquarter Balerna
Usually ready in 24 hours
The Davidoff Primeros by Davidoff Dominican Cigar is an exceptional small-format cigar, crafted for those who seek the renowned quality of Davidoff in a more compact smoke. Offering a smooth, mild-bodied experience, this cigar is ideal for those who appreciate Dominican tobacco's rich yet balanced flavours during moments of brief indulgence. Crafted with a blend of carefully aged Dominican filler tobaccos and wrapped in a high-quality Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, the Primeros by Davidoff Dominican delivers a mild and creamy profile. Expect delicate notes of cedar, earth, and subtle spice, with a soft, smooth finish that reflects Davidoff's timeless dedication to craftsmanship. Despite its smaller size, this cigar maintains an even burn and a flawless draw, ensuring a consistently satisfying experience. Whether enjoyed during a coffee break or as an everyday luxury, the Davidoff Primeros by Davidoff Dominican Cigar is the perfect choice for aficionados who seek a refined smoke in a shorter format without compromising on quality.