Davidoff Nicaragua Toro Cigar

From CHF 25.29
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The Davidoff Nicaragua Toro is a bold and refined cigar that showcases the richness of Nicaraguan tobacco, offering a full-bodied experience that is both complex and satisfying. Measuring 152 mm in length with a 54-ring gauge, this Toro format provides a long, slow burn, allowing the rich flavours to fully develop throughout the smoke.
Crafted entirely from premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Nicaragua Toro features aged filler, a Nicaraguan binder, and a beautifully smooth Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The flavour profile is characterised by deep notes of pepper, leather, and roasted coffee, accented by hints of dark chocolate and spice. As the cigar progresses, the flavours intensify, creating an evolving and layered smoking experience that is both robust and elegant.
Ideal for seasoned aficionados, the Davidoff Nicaragua Toro offers impeccable construction, ensuring an even burn and flawless draw. Whether savoured during a moment of relaxation or paired with a fine spirit, this cigar delivers a luxurious and memorable experience, embodying the essence of Nicaraguan tobacco craftsmanship.