Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema Cigar

From CHF 31.04
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The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is an extraordinary cigar for those who seek adventure and bold flavours. This cigar, measuring 160 mm in length with a 50-ring gauge, is uniquely shaped in the Diadema format, offering a distinctive smoking experience that evolves as the cigar opens up.
Crafted with 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, this cigar delivers a full-bodied, complex profile that is rich in character. A blend of carefully aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper make the Nicaragua Diadema a masterpiece of flavour. Smokers can expect bold notes of pepper, leather, and roasted coffee, with underlying hints of dark chocolate and nuts. As the cigar progresses, the flavours intensify, providing a truly dynamic experience.
The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is designed for seasoned aficionados who appreciate the robust, earthy flavours of Nicaraguan tobacco. With its impeccable construction and flawless draw, this cigar provides an indulgent and satisfying smoke, perfect for those looking to elevate their cigar experience.