Unlike lighting up cigarettes or candles, lighting a Cuban Cigar requires more thought and patience. If you do not ensure that all the cigar components are correctly lit, then you are missing...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
To gain aficionado status, you need to master the art of cutting Cuban cigars. Preparing your cigar to smoke is not as simple as pulling it out, sparking it up...
The Maduro wrapper or the 'Capa Negra' in Spanish, has earned a reputation among cigar aficionados, and since its conception, has become a widely popular choice. Maduro means “ripe” in...
There is an endless variety of shapes and sizes on our Cuban Cigar Shop. Aficionados, you will find something to suit your exact taste preference, you just need to do...
There are so many words that can be used to describe Cuban Cigars; experience, knowledge, manufacture, finesse. However, there's an aspect of habanos that stays well hidden to this day....
"Master of Habanos" Jasim Ahmed is a Cigar Expert, Aficionado and Influencer from the United Arab Emirates. He is a man who is truly passionate about all things Cuban Cigars,...